Hello all! i’m a us citizen

Hello all! I’m a US citizen living in Czech for about 3 years now, and i was wondering if i could buy a car and register it to myself with a Temporary Residency Permit, and an international drivers licence. Also, if you could suggest any trustworthy websites in which to search for cars in the jihomoravský region. Thanks a lot! ~Xander


Well, strictly legally speaking you are free to buy a car. US citizens are in no way limited in buying a Czech car (meaning a used car from a previous Czech owner or a new car). If you have a Temporary Residence Permit, I presume that you have an identification number / birth number and thus you may register the new car on your name in the Cars Register. The driving licence is not relevant for the registration, but please note that if you have a permanent residence longer than 1 year, you shall change your US driving license for a Czech driving license. What the trustworthy websites concerns, try www.tipcars.cz or www.sauto.cz.

5.4.2013 12:00

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